All in Data Visualization

Power BI Data Visualization - Ideas & Wishlist

Power BI is a powerful tool that has also enabled millions of people worldwide to easily visualize & explore their data. Despite that, inflexibility to the visualization configuration and formatting can make it difficult to fulfill visual requirements. What are some of the biggest feature gaps with data visualization in Power BI, and why is this important?

Fix Visuals or Replace Measures in Power BI Reports using pbi-tools

It’s frustrating that in Power BI re-naming measures or moving them to another table will break any visuals using them in reports. Likewise, Power BI does not have a feature to hot-swap measures in visuals, to retain formatting or save time. Here I will show you an easy way to replace multiple measures in a Power BI report, including those used in “broken” visuals. Fix all broken visuals in Power BI reports using this method!